Airborne Diseases: What Are They and How Can You Prevent Them?

Airborne Diseases: What Are They and How Can You Prevent Them?
Feb 2021

Here we are at the turn of the 2020 decade, and of course, one of the most popular and necessary topics of conversation right now is disease and health, namely because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This has created a huge interest in health and diseases, highlighting how they spread and how to prevent them.

The fact is there are a ton of diseases out there, but today we’re going to focus on airborne, which, as the name suggests, is a group of diseases that are transmitted through the air. Let’s jump into the core of what they are and how you can prevent them.

What are Airbourne Diseases?

Some of the most common illnesses and diseases out there are carried through the air. Perhaps the most common of these are the common flu and the common cold. This means that particles that contain the disease can basically float and glide through the air on air currents that can be inhaled by other people, thus spread rather quickly.

Imagine you’re in an airplane, a vehicle that uses a sealed ventilation system that cycles the air around and around and around. If someone boards the plane with a cold and breaths, which they’re not going to not do, the cold particles enter the air and will cycle around and around, spreading to more people.

Some other airborne diseases you may come across during your lifetime include conditions like Measles, Mumps, Influenza, and whopping cough. COVID-19 is also included in this list when people sneeze and cough. Fortunately, most airborne diseases only have weak or mild symptoms unless you have preexisting underlying health conditions.

There are some less common airborne diseases out there, although the chances of getting them are slim. These include conditions like Anthrax, Meningitis, and Diphtheria. While rarer, they are more damaging, and hospital treatment is usually required.

How to Prevent Airbourne Diseases

Fortunately, while it may seem scary that diseases can simply travel through the air and infect us with so much as someone breathing in our direction, these are easily countered. For example, using fans and open-air ventilation systems can be a great way to keep fresh air coming into a building or room, minimizing the risk that you’ll come into contact with a disease.

If you do, however, find yourself infected, most conditions are easy to look after and treat. All you’ll need to do is rest and drink plenty of fluids and you’ll be well on your way to overcoming the condition in a little under a few days.

Of course, the very best way to prevent illnesses is also to follow general hygiene tips and tricks. This means washing your hands, wearing a mask in public places, avoiding unnecessary contact, and so on.


While airborne diseases may sound scary at first, that doesn’t mean they are. While a little attention, you can quite easily minimize the risk of ever contracting one, as well as looking after yourself probably if you do happen to eventually.