Author: admin
One Cup a Day: Fat-Burning and 10 Other Science-Backed Green Tea Benefits
There are pros and cons to many popular diets that consumers have to account for. When you are missing nutritional goals while dieting, supplements like green tea will help. But green tea benefits go far beyond supplements and has become an important part of any healthy routine. After being used as a medicine for thousands…
Tomato vs. Cucumber Nutrition Chart: Which Vegetable Is the Clear Winner in These 6 Categories?
To be our most healthy selves, it all starts with what we decide to put into our bodies. That’s right: what we eat counts! As you begin to delve into the world of healthy eating, you might be curious in not only adding more nutritious foods to your diet, but you might also be interested…
The Ideal Proportions: How Do You Know Whether You Have a Healthy BMI?
Staying healthy is probably at the top of most people’s list. Life is just a little easier when you’re feeling good. One indicator of where you are with your health is your body mass index or your BMI. Your BMI is a calculation that is based on your mass and height. It can tell you…
5 Well-Kept Weight Loss Secrets: Are Low-Calorie Meals the Boost You Need?
Your approach to dieting will determine weight loss success. Low-calorie meals are not new, but they have evolved over the years to become a valuable weight loss tool. With meals of this type, consumers don’t have to break a sweat in the gym to lose weight. Watch your calories, and fat will melt off in…
Health Benefits: 4 Medicinal Herbs and Spices You Need in Your Cupboard
When it comes to herbs and spices, there is no shortage of tasty additions to your meals. And there’s definitely no shortage of medicinal herbs and spices that are just as delicious. In fact, you probably have some medicinal herbs in your cupboard right now. Black pepper, oregano, garlic, and thyme are just a few…
4 Reasons You Start Meditating to Combat Anxiety and Mental Health Problems
Many people need help with their everyday worries as the world changes nearly every hour. Individuals may find exercise, talking with a friend or calm crafts help them ease their racing mind. Another way to remain calm is to start meditating. Meditation is not for everyone, but it is a place to start if you…
The Slow Killer: What Drinking Soda on a Regular Basis Does to Your Organism
At some point in your life, you’ll have heard that drinking soda may not be the healthiest of drinks. Its common knowledge that they can contain a lot of calories, e-numbers, and sugars, which can negatively affect your health. Of course, it’s worth remembering that you don’t need to avoid them altogether. In moderation, soda…
Losing a Spouse Could Speed up the Onset of Alzheimer’s by Three Times
Alzheimer’s is a condition that changes how you think and react. The loss of a spouse is a huge mental drain that changes your entire outlook on life. In the early stages of Alzheimer’s, this causes complications that can affect the progression of the disease. Everyone deals with pain differently, but understanding the source is…
Coronavirus Becomes a Global Issue: 4 Dos and Don’ts of Preparing for It
With the onset of the coronavirus, people aren’t sure how to protect themselves. There is plenty of misinformation out there that makes it difficult to determine the fact from the fiction. To make it easier for yourself, here are 4 dos and 4 don’ts to stick to when preparing for it in your area. Wash…